About Me

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ummmm I love to draw. and write short stories and do all sorts of stuff like that. I love sports exspecially softball.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


i am me that's who i am. I'm different from you and anyone else. I'm a cutter. i do stuff you don't approve of or don't like. i like the unusual things that no body pays attention too. i don't know why i am the way the way i am. I'm a screw up. no matter what i do i do it wrong I'm not perfect but then nobody is. my mind isn't perfect my body, my life, my family nothing is. I'm just me that's all i can be and what i can be good at. i always care what you think about me but i shouldn't. i should be happy the way i am and what i have still. maybe i should work better at what i want and try too make something of myself. believe in myself more maybe its because i don't have my faith anymore. what do you do when tragedy happens and steals it all away do you gain it back. when you lose almost everything you wanted but never realized u had just an arms length away and it just slipped what do you live for then.